Monday, August 29, 2011


 For our term 3 assessment this term we were required to produce an eBook, before I could begin to do so however I first thought it would be a better idea to understand what an eBook and an example of what one looks like. After some quick research this is what I found about what an eBook is: 

An e-book (short for electronic book and also known as a digital book, ebook, and eBook) is “a portable electronic device used to download and read books or magazines that are in digital form.”

Now that I had a clearer understanding of what an eBook actually was I also researched examples of some eBooks although I could not view them, because I had to pay for them I still looked around and saw the multiple features of the many eBooks available. An excellent website from where you can purchase your eBooks  is :

This website provides a consumer with a variety of products they can choose to purchase and use. As well as this it is also great for someone who does not have great knowledge to understand what an eBook is and how it would be presented. 

 So now that I had a comprehensive understanding after doing these short activities, It was time for me to actually begin and create one eBook of my own. Basically a book (PowerPoint) which would provide my audience or viewer some basic as well as comprehensive knowledge on the various technologies available in our market today. The topics which I decided I would cover through the course of my assignment are: 
  1.       Netbooks

    2.  Social Networking
    3.  CPU's
    4. WiFi 

For this term's assignment I decided it would be best if I worked alone as this assignment would be difficult to not only work with a  partner but also it would be quite time consuming in order to collaborate and combine this information all into one little PowerPoint.  

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