During this task assignment the biggest problem I found most difficult to challenge was the limitation of time. We were given around 7 weeks to complete this assignment, however due to being with other assesments and assignments I was unable to start this assignment between the time/period given to us.
How did I tackle this issue then? Although I could not do much to 'create' more time, I still adapted new ways to use my time efficently. I was succesful in doing so by going to the libary every morning and lunch in order to complete my work. As well as this despite this not being so great things such as staying up late and waking up early in order to get things done is another strategy I used. However I feel the most efficent strategy adapted by me which actually acted as a catalyst for me to complete this assignment, was the fact that I drew up a timetable. This was really efficent and handy as it guided me through on what needed to be done when and how it had to be done. This made it really easy for me to complete the assignment within the limited time, created by myself.
Time Efficency
Hyperlinking was yet another issue for me that I had to try and deal with in order to produce my ebook. But firstly when I first heard the word hyperlinking I straight away thought that adding icons which could lead to a website. However after discussing with Navneet I later found out that hyperlinking was in fact when you could simply link pages through just a few buttons and steps, as seen below:
So now that I now knew what was hyperlinking and how to use it my real adversity began, trying to hyperlink 133 slides! After doing about 20 or so slides I began to realise that this will be quite a lengthy process, with me hyperlinking the arrows, homepage,images etc. So thats when it occured to be that there must be some sort of short cut I can adapt to in order to finish my work more quickly and in fact I was able to do so. Though this stategy did not work with the arrows it was still excellent for the homepage. Through the magic of the copy and paste button I realised I could race through my powerpoint, because if I copied an icon the hyperlink would still remain and also the position of the icon from which I copied it would be the exact same on the slide I pasted it. Hence making evident how my 'copy and paste' strategy not only allowed me to be able to hyperlink my whole ebook efficently but also while being able to save time.
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