Saturday, September 10, 2011


CPUS was something that although I had completed in class as tasks , I was still unfamiliar with. So before I specifically began researching on this I first searched up a proper definition for it and this is what I found:
  • central processing unit: (computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing; "the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached"    
After I had found this I then began to research the multiple types of processors and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The differrent types I researched were single core, dual core, dual and multi core processors. The two things I found really interesting during this research were:

1) The difference between a dual core and a dual processor. I found it really interesting to find ut that a dual core is when two cores are compressed into one integrated circuit. Whereas a dual processor is when two  seperate physical CPUS are in the same chasis, instead of two on the same chip like a dual core processor.

2) Another thing I found really interesting was that CPUs are also used in phones. I always thought that CPUs were the brains of a computer, I never knew that they could be applied to the context of phones as well especially with an iPhone too!

iPhone 5 design

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